Several years ago, the heating and air conditioning industry was informed that a new rule was going to be implemented in an effort to reduce energy usage. This procedure was implemented partly because the duct systems of heating and air conditioning sometimes can leak a considerable amount of air. This is air that you have paid to heat or cool.

Another reason that this rule was implemented is that some contractors were installing new high efficiency equipment that didn’t achieve the advertised efficiency ratings because other areas of the “system” weren’t correct.

So, in an effort to reduce energy usage Duct Testing became the law. (There are some instances where a Duct Test will not be required) The person who checks the ducts and system operation is known as a HERS rater. They are independent contractors who have been trained and licensed to do this work.

This is all monitored through the permit process. A permit is required to be obtained by the contractor, whenever this type of work is done, which costs more than $500.00.

Basically, when the inspector comes to your home to check the installation, he will usually ask for the certificate from the person that checked the ducts for leakage, as well as the proper operation of the system, before he will approve the permit.

So homeowners should be aware of the rules to prevent them from having problems such as work stoppage, or even fines.

Beware of any contractor who is not willing to obtain a building permit – it’s the law.

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