AC maintenance in Westlake Village, CA at least once a year can make a huge difference in the overall efficiency of your unit. Getting routine air conditioner maintenance can also lengthen the lifespan of the equipment, as well as other HVAC equipment. It removes excess dust and dirt from the air that’s circulated in the home, so the filters do not get clogged as quickly. Older equipment may need more frequent maintenance depending on factors like its age and type. If you are unsure of how often you should tune-up your AC system, give us a call, and we can send someone out for an inspection.

An AC tune-up in Westlake Village includes a thorough inspection of the AC unit. We look for signs of damage or wear and tear, and will encourage you to fix the problem before it has a chance to spread. This will also ensure that your repair bills remain low. The tune-up will also include a realignment of all shifted parts, a retightening of loose screws and bolts and a detailed cleaning of all surfaces and crevices. We can also comb bent fins back to their original position. We highly recommend scheduling an AC tune-up during mid-to-late spring if possible.